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12 Weeks to End Your Food Struggles and the Start of an in Control, Free & Healthy YOU! 

Every woman who specifically comes to me for help with their food struggles, walk out a completely different person, with a radically different approach and mindset to food. 

Imagine if you could press 'reset' on your eating habits and finally step into the healthy life that you've always wanted...

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A free & healthy life where you finally feel in control of yourself around food. 


Where you are able to maintain consistent and sustained change in the way of healthy eating. 


Where you finally feel at peace with food, your body, and within yourself. 

But Instead You're Probably Stuck in the Following:

  • You feel completely out of control around food & often sabotage yourself with sugary treats.


  • You've tried to make healthy changes, and for a certain time you might've been successful, but after a hard day at the office or at home you open up the freezer and binge on ice cream.


  • You lack the self control to say "no" and instead justify saying "just one more bite" and end up overeating on all things sweet and salty. 


  • You're stuck in the Binge Eating cycle. 


  • You're unable to overcome Emotional Eating. 

  • You've tried all the diets but always end up sabotaging your efforts through binge eating or emotional eating so you give up because you think "what's the point?" 

  • You hide food from your family, experience food shame when eating in front of family or friends or at gatherings, and can't stop eating even when you're full.

With Results Like These...


Melina has been transformational in my life, just after a few sessions I feel empowered in my food choices. I'm not alarmed by saying, "no thanks" at social gatherings, when I'm offered food that's unhealthy. I realise I am not out of control at all! 

I can acknowledge my pain and emotion as it comes up, with God process the pain and release burdens to Him. Thank you so much Melina, love the game plans, visualisations, encouragement, accountability, and most of all achieving my goals;


1. To lose weight 

2. To stop emotionally eating during covid 

3. To love myself as I am right now on the journey in my identity


Melina Gilbert is an amazing coach and beautiful human being. She has helped me achieve more in our four sessions together than I have been able to alone in a year! I finally feel like I have control and clarity over my mindset around food. 


I have a greater awareness of where my eating habits originated from and the need that I am trying to fulfill by choosing to eat what I do and when.


On a day to day basis I show myself more compassion and acceptance. I don't feel like I 'have to' loose weight any more and so don't feel guilty when I do chose to eat treats. 




I am so grateful for this experience and the opportunity to work with Melina. She has such a warm nature, and this was able to make me feel at ease and comfortable very quickly. 


She has a wealth of knowledge and when it comes to growing in a healthy lifestyle and is able to use her wisdom and experience to know what to share and when it’s the right time to share it! 


She was the perfect balance of challenging and supporting as I sought to work towards my goals. Melina has had an incredibly positive impact in my life in empowering me to identify habits, challenges and helping me to create positive pathways forward to successfully achieve my health and lifestyle goals.

It's No Wonder Women Love to Work with Me! 

Truth Bomb 

Working through the layers that causes your emotional eating and binge eating takes time to unravel.


It can be extremely difficult to figure out using a free workshop, podcast, 5 Day Challenge or downloadable freebie. 


It will take someone to personally sit down and work through it with you, to get the long term results that you're wanting.  

You’re probably in one of a few places right now:

You have tried a bunch of things to overcome this constant struggle with food.


You've tried diets, gym sessions, workouts, books, podcasts, and following people on Insta. But after a period of time of doing well, something triggers you and you "fall off the bandwagon" again, and you think to yourself "I will never overcome this problem. It's impossible. I have no self control. This is just who I am." 



You're someone who has struggled with on/off diets, binge eating, comfort eating, overeating for as long as you can remember.  


You want to be healthy! But you find yourself hiding food, you reward yourselves with treats, and you struggle to stop eating the ice cream until it's too late and you realise it's all gone. Then the guilt/shame cycle hits you like a tonne of bricks and you fall deeper down into a self loathing spiral. You well and truly have given up trying to be 'healthy'. 



You struggle with body image, and your motivation to diet and restrict food comes from a place of low self worth for yourself and your body. 


Because of this, you find yourself comparing yourself to others constantly, and your food choices (restricting certain food groups etc) is motivated by how you want to look, which is what society deems as 'acceptable'. 

Give me 12 weeks and I'll help you radically shift your mindset around food so that you can finally feel in control, free, and proud of yourself!

My 3 Goals for You in Free & Healthy YOU are:

At the end of 12 weeks, you will stop reaching for the food as your "go to" each time. 


You will finally feel on top of your emotional eating and you won't be turning to the treats whenever you need to soothe yourself.


And if you do happen to have a delicious treat, you won't feel guilty for it! In fact, you will know exactly why you're eating it, and you will know when to say "no more". 


You will finally feel in  control of your eating habits!

At the end of the 12 weeks you will be well on the journey to healing your relationship with food. 


After a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, binge eating, overeating, guilt/shame cycles, hiding food, and  believing there are 'good' and 'bad' foods, healing your relationship and making peace with food is your next step. 


Without this, you'll keep 'falling off the bandwagon' so to speak. 


You will finally have a healthy relationship with food that involves enjoying treats, but also knowing 'when' and 'how' to say no. Imagine that! 

At the end of 12 weeks, you will be well on the journey to loving yourself and accepting your body in the way that it's been made.


I will walk with you throughout the 12 weeks and personally coach you in self love, body love and body acceptance.


No more dieting and restricting food on the fear of getting fat! Your self worth will improve greatly, and your self talk will be kind and loving to yourself.


Goodbye inner critic & self judgement! 

 I understand... 

For years I lived bouncing from diets to diets, trying to work out at the gym to 'keep the perfect body', only to fall back into binge eating on the weekends and emotional eating throughout the week. 


I had no control over my eating habits.

I was terrified of gaining weight.


I would soothe myself with 2-3 glasses of red wine 6 nights a week, eat a block of Cadbury's Marvellous Creations afterwards, and numb myself to Netflix as I ate. 


I felt so guilty when I ate a 'bad' food. I felt so much shame when I couldn't stop drinking. And it only added to the feelings of frustration, self loathing and anger that I felt towards myself. 


I was obsessed with food. It consumed my mind. But I wasn't even aware of it. 


It got so bad that I fell chronically sick and had to take 6 months off work. The docs even told me that I was too sick and weak to carry a baby. It was then that the radical transformation towards food, health and myself begun...


The reality is, overcoming this thing is hard work.

Imagine if you stopped soothing your emotions with food and instead learned a new way of coping in life that didn't involve stuffing your face to numb emotional pain. 


Imagine if you broke up with dieting and were able to eat healthy  foods consistently AND enjoy treats as part of a healthy way of life, WITHOUT feeling guilty. 


Imagine if you finally felt peace within yourself, where you knew you were in control of your eating habits, and you no  longer struggled with a mind that obsessed over how many calories or macros were in the food.  


I have learnt the keys to loving myself and how to manage big emotions in healthy ways that don't involve self soothing with food.


I've also fallen in love with food again and feel more confident in making intentional food choices so that I can enjoy treats when I choose them, rather than binging and regretting/feeling ashamed.


This course is by no means a quick fix, but true to the course title, it does provide the tools to be free from all the restraints I unknowingly built around myself that made me feel like a failure.


I am now better placed for success than I have ever been and with practice and repetition the new narratives and ways of thinking/dealing with emotion that I have learnt, will in time empower me to reach and sustain my best self.


The simple step by step, LIVE coaching program empowering you to stop reaching for the treats as your 'go to', to equip you to finally feel in control of your own eating habits, & to help you fall in love with your own body. 

This program is designed to help you: 


  • Overcome emotional eating / comfort eating / binge eating so that you can stop sabotaging and finally feel in control and confident in your eating habits â€‹


  • Heal your relationship with food so that the guilt/shame cycle is finished forever. 

  • Fall in love with your body and accept the way that it's been made so that you no longer make food choices based out of an insecurity, but instead, out of love, respect and honour for yourself, from a place of health and wellbeing!  

A 12 week coaching program to personally walk with you every step of the way. You'll never feel like you have to do it on your own. 

Module 1

Create a Vision That Feels Right for You 


It's important to set goals at the beginning in order to create a fresh vision for yourself and what you're wanting to achieve during the 12 weeks together, and to discover your WHY. This positions you to be committed to both the process, yourself, and myself as the coach.


  • In this module we will set your goals for the 12 weeks & help you to discover your WHY, so that when the wine is calling and the carbs are singing out, you remember the bigger picture and it empowers you to stay on track.


  • As your coach for the first 4 weeks, I will follow your Food Journal Tracker so that we can course correct together and take note of what’s going on under the surface that might be causing you to reach for the food.

  • During this process we will identify your triggers and patterns, which will help us to target specific areas of the program together and equip you to learn new improved strategies that don't involve food!

Module 2

Unravel Your Foodie Mindset  


In this module, we unpack your mindset around food, and the rules and beliefs that currently drive your struggle with food, so that we take the negative emotion, shame & guilt away from what you're eating. 

  • The aim of this module is to start to help you rewire so that you can re write your beliefs around food. This is where a lot of 'ah-ha!' moments come in. It's truly a beautiful moment! 


  • You will also complete your 'Mapping Your Food Story' exercise, so that you understand where your food habits and beliefs came from, and how it impacts you every day which means you can start to make fully informed choices. (The  Mapping Your Food Story exercise is one of the highlight of all my client's experiences in F&HY! It provides a lot of personal insight that helps put together the pieces of the puzzle, as too 'why' you have been reaching for the food all these years).

Module 3

Making Peace with Food


In this module, the whole program is set before you beautifully as you learn what it is to make peace with food. This module sets up the mindset that you will be adapting into as we go along. 


Imagine feeling like you're able to enjoy a treat without feeling guilty. Imagine never going down the guilt/shame cycle ever again.


  • It's in this module, that you will be introduced to the art of mindful eating so that you learn to enjoy food despite what it is, without any regrets. It's here that a lot of the old mindsets around food resets itself with a new found way of engaging with food, in a way that's healthy for you and your emotions.

  • It's in this module that we begin to learn how to be an intuitive eater. Goodbye guilt, hello freedom! 

Module 4

Shine the Spotlight!


You, me and a 'spotlight' on your eating mindset and habits!

  • Here we cross examine the Mapping Your Food Story exercise, and 4 weeks of your Food Journal Tracker so that we have a full understanding of the triggers that move you to eat. From here I can specifically coach you in the areas that you're needing so that you get the break through you're after.


  • We also look at Clearing the Clutter on Trigger Foods, and begin to look at how much sugar you're eating in your diet. This isn't here to make you restrict more foods, but rather to help you make changes out of the 'new' health & wellbeing mindset that you're learning to walk in throughout the program.

  • You will complete a Sugar Awareness exercise to help empower you to adjust how much sugar you're consuming on a daily basis. After this module, you will look at your shopping list in an entirely new way, and you'll start making some real practical changes to the way you choose your food. 

Module 5

Exploring Emotional Release 


This is one of my favourite weeks! As women, we tend to avoid/deny/neglect how we're feeling which is the basis for many emotional eating struggles.


  • In this module, I am going to teach you how to process and release these emotions in a way that's right for you, so that you can learn to embrace your emotions as part of a healthy way of life, therefore preventing an outbreak of emotional eating. By this point, we will have identified your trigger patterns that cause your emotional / comfort eating, and you will begin to craft you own strategies to prevent comfort eating in the future.


  • You'll also receive two different strategies to help you interrupt and stop yourself when you feel yourself wavering. 

Module 6

Discovering Self Love


As women, we tend to put ourselves last, and overtime it has a detrimental affect in our lives (i.e. we crash, burn out, feel highly stressed, overwhelmed, fall sick etc). 


  • In this module, we will take a look under the hood and discover the core needs that drive you, so that you learn to listen to yourself more, and discover how to look after yourself in any given moment. You will discover that you are the most important person in your life!

  • In this module, you will create your very own Nourishment List! A list curated by you, for you, that's specifically designed to look after you and nourish your soul.


When we meet our own needs and learn how to nurture ourselves properly, we are learning to cope with life in a new and heathy way, and this has a dramatic impact upon our how we engage with food! Bye bye emotional eating! 


  • You will also complete a Stress Wheel assessment that will prepare us for our next coaching session on managing stress. 

Module 7

Decreasing the Stress


Stress has a massive affect on our food habits and how we consume food.


  • In this next module, we will assess your current levels of stress and would out a plan to help you lower that stress, or implement some strategies so that you're empowered to navigate through the stressful time.

  • You will be given some resources on how to help you manage stress and to reduce your stress levels physiologically. 

  • You will also look at stress eating and it's connection to caving carbs and sugar. 


This module has been designed to empower and equip you so that you feel in control of your world, and for you to discover that stressful circumstances don't mean you have to drop the ball in sustaining healthy food habits. 

Module 8

Discovering the Antidote to it all! 


  • In this module, I will share with you the antidote to end all suffering, guilt, shame and resentment surrounding your eating habits! It's a game changer for my clients! 


  • We will explore you self talk and how your inner critic likes to pop up, so that we can silence it with the deadliest weapon of all, the best gift you can ever give yourself! You will finally have a tool that you can pull out of your pocket any time that nasty little voice pops up to make you feel like crap! This is a tool that will teach you to love yourself, even if you 'mess up' and have a binge eating / comfort eating episode. 

Module 9

It's Party Time! 


  • In this module, we provide space to solidify and concrete in the new mindsets and learnings that have come from the program so that you are empowered to leave F&HY confident of your learnings, in being able to apply them to everyday life.​

  • Here, you can ask any final questions and clarify anything that's on your mind.


  • We also take time to celebrate each other's wins and celebrate one another for the amazing progress each one of you has made! 

And the Bonuses! 


  • A Wellness Wheel to assess your current wellness level (as well as a Stress Wheel in module 6/7).

  • A number of different Emotional Releasing tools so that afterwards you're able to go out into life and pick which tool to use when needed.

  • A 'deep breathing' resource with a number of different breathing techniques to use at different times. 

  • A 'body acceptance' meditation to begin to learn to love your body.

  • Self Talk Personalised Survey in Module 8 to assess how much you listen to your inner critic so that you know where you need to grow in extending yourself kindness.

  • 'Love yourself' exercise.

  • 'Taking Compliments' exercise.

  • Mindful Eating templates and exercises.


I had such a positive experience working with Melina. To begin with, I wasn’t sure how life coaching was going to work out for me. I had seen numerous psychologists in the past, but to be honest I got more out of Melina’s life coaching sessions then I had ever got out of any psychologist appointments. I love that it is about ‘you’, and you have the ability and strength to change your own mindset. Melina asked the tough questions but supported me every step of the way to find clarity in what I was wanting to achieve. After each session I was left feeling empowered and refreshed, like I had just off loaded all my worries and concerns.

Thank you so much Melina for giving me the guidance and support that I needed both personally and professionally.

Would You Rather...

  • Continue to trudge through life and struggle with the guilt / shame regret of eating too much when you don't want too?

  • Keep waste money on treats, chocolate and snacks throughout the week wishing you could get a handle on your grocery bill?

  • Spend money on more diets or meal plans in the hope that this diet might be the 'magic bullet'?


OR would you rather spend a short 12 weeks with me


  • And go through a complete reset and walk out having banished food guilt and overcome your eating struggles?

  • And feel the most in control, alive and confident you ever have been in yourself and around food?

  • And finally accept yourself and your body the way that it's been made and eat from a place of love, respect and honour, (rather than restriction, fear and self loathing?)

What are you waiting for?
Join the waitlist and

Enrol in
Free & Healthy YOU Now! 

Group Coaching: Join now for $550 per month for three months, or $1500 upfront (save $150).


VIP 1:1: If you would like to work 1:1 with Melina in the F&HY program, simply fill out the form below and write "VIP 1:1"


Join the Waitlist for the Next Round of F&HY!

Thanks for submitting!

If you're sitting on the fence about working with me, check out what a client said about her experience with F&HY!

"If you are in a space where you are functional (not experiencing raw grief or trauma that's impacting on your daily ability to function) and you have the headspace to be able to actively work towards goals, then this is a great opportunity to learn about a new and healthy way to become unstuck from the diet rollercoaster.


This course will help you to understand the narratives you have created for yourself around food, around your body and your own worth. You will learn to better understand your emotions, have a whole toolkit of methods to deal with them that doesn't involve turning to food; learn to think of food in a whole new way that removes guilt/shame; and learn how to truly love yourself."


Hi! I'm Melina,


In case we haven't met yet, I am a Health & Wellness Coach who is passionate about empowering women to overcome their food struggles.


I've spent the last 10 years overcoming many of the unhealthy habits and mindsets that I had around food.


I successfully stopped comfort eating, binge eating and dieting, and I learnt how to reconnect back to my body and eat intuitively by listening to its needs and discovering what nourishes it. 


I began to discover other ways of managing my emotions, stress levels and life events, that didn't result in a downward spiral of food sabotage. 


I learnt to love myself and my body in profound ways. I have lots of cellulite on my thighs (yes I know, you can't see it in the photos, this is because I just happened to be going through a major detox for health reasons at the time of the shoot! haha) and I fully embrace my stretch marks, cellulite and fat spots! 


I have a healthy relationship with food where it doesn't control my life anymore! My mind isn't consumed with fear! I am free and so happy!


I have spent the last 17 years working one on one with people, helping them work through their insecurities, self sabotage, self image, childhood backgrounds, emotional wounds, and moving towards a healthy lifestyle. 


I have a degree in Social Science Counselling, I am a Professionally trained Life Coach, and a Certified Wellness Coach. 


I do what I do because I never want to see another woman held back from doing what she wants in her life just because she can't get a handle on her eating habits.


My desire is that EVERY woman gets to live the healthy life they desire, WITHOUT diets, fads, emotional eating, binge eating etc ruling their life and choices. 


 I choose this for myself, and I can help you choose it for yourself too. It’s YOUR turn.

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